We launched an online survey last month in an effort to get a better idea of what your campus card programs are actually doing and what you the administrators responsible for card technology are actually thinking. I have spent more than a decade in the campus card market and I didn’t think much could surprise me. Well the picture that is emerging is surprising me…
Thus far, we have had an astounding rate of response to our survey. This tremendous response will enable us to identify and provide some very targeted and relevant content in future issues.
So what have we learned from a preliminary review of the survey data?
The majority of institutions…
That is incredibly useful information to our writers as they embark on future issues. Likewise it is useful to you as you plan your program’s next steps. The results of the survey will be made available to you in future issues. Please take the 90 seconds to participate. It will help us to help you build our industry.
I hope to see you at the National Association of Campus Card Users conference in New Orleans next month. CR80News will be on site reporting on the developments that will help shape the future of campus card technology.
Chris Corum, Editor
[email protected]