Campus ID News
Card, mobile credential, payment and security




March 9, 2012 /

Students at Nebraska college look into adding declining balance to ID card

The Student Congress at Doane College, Crete, Neb., is pursuing a declining balance meal plan that would enable students to carry money on their ID cards. Students could then purchase individual items rather than be locked into using one of...
March 6, 2012 /

LSU ID is ticket for money-saving opportunities

Want a discount on piercings? Or how about saving a buck at a local movie theater? Also available is a 50% discount at a local thrift store or discounted bowling. All you need to take advantage of these money-savers is...
March 5, 2012 /

Student ID thieves rack up nearly $80 in snacks

Three University of Memphis students, using a stolen student ID card, bought snacks totaling $76.25 before they were arrested. They’ve been charged with fraudulent use of a debit card. University police said the campus ID had been used 60 times...
October 3, 2011 /

Brown University security vulnerability found, new logins needed

Brown University is transitioning to a new MyCourses login due to a recent tip from a computer science student about a potential security risk. According to The Brown Daily Herald, anyone could capture a login ID and password when a...
June 15, 2011 /

Webinar: Taking your two-year institution to the next level

So you’re a two-year institution looking to take it to the next level, eh? Your students demand the same services offered at a larger four year-year university and administrators are determined to enhance operational efficiencies. But, a shrinking budget says...
March 25, 2011 /

To prevent legal challenges, student IDs should be allowed under voter ID law

Wisconsin’s proposed voter ID law, billed as potentially one of the toughest in the nation, would be less susceptible to legal challenges if university student IDs are allowed. That’s the opinion of a University of Wisconsin political scientist who testified...
January 10, 2011 /

UC student govt. approves new campus ID policy

A new policy may soon give University of Cincinnati Police Division officers more authority on campus, according to an independent student newspaper. If passed, the new policy would allow University of Cincinnati officers to demand anyone on campus who seemed...
December 22, 2010 /

University iPhone app discloses students personal information

University of Washington students are a little concerned over a new iPhone app that makes their personal information visible to the general public, according to a local news report. As part of federal law, said Bob Roseth, director of university...
December 22, 2010 /

UW data breach, 60k compromised

The University of Wisconsin sent out letters to roughly 60,000 students and staff, warning that hackers had managed to breach a campus ID database containing names, social security numbers and other sensitive information, reports the eSecurity Planet. According to the...
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Attn: friends in the biometrics space. Nominations close Friday for the annual Women in Biometrics Awards. Take five minutes to recognize a colleague or even yourself.

Feb. 1 webinar explores how mobile ordering enhanced campus life, increased sales at UVA and Central Washington @Grubhub @CBORD

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