The Muscogee County School District (MCSD) in Columbus, Ga. is taking a high-tech approach, using biometric palm scanning technology to assist students with meal purchases, according to a local news brief.
Using Meral Computing Services software in conjunction with Fujitsu PalmSecure hardware, MCSD high school students can buy their lunch with a simple scan of the palm. When a student comes through the lunch line, he or she can simply hold their hand over a scanner, which then reads the student’s palm and links it to their meal account.
It’s a quick and easy way to help expedite the time spent in the lunch line to purchase meals and helps to ensure accurate, efficient identification of students, funds, and reports, said School Nutrition Director Marian Bone.
The system works by taking a high-resolution infrared photograph of the vein pattern just below the skin. This new scanning capability increases the time available to eat lunch for students by reducing unnecessary time in the lunch line, searching for the student’s name and/or account number. In addition, it is hygienic.
Participation is voluntary. Parents may opt out by notifying the school in writing. Students who do not use palm scan must bring a student ID to the cafeteria to purchase a meal.
Read the full story here.