Alasdair Darroch, director for biometrics developer Biostore, spoke at the Biometrics 2009 Conference in London revealing that the education sector may be leading the charge on utilization of biometrics with approximately 10% of schools utilizing the technology in some way, according to an Info Security article.
Among the areas in schools where biometrics are being utilized most commonly are libraries as a means of checkout, cafeterias for school lunch payment programs, access control and printer or copier access. Darroch adds that despite the widespread adoption of biometrics, no standards for use in schools have been set by authorities meaning it is still the responsibility of the vendors and developers to create secure solutions that do not leave students open to theft or misuse of their personal data.
When looking at acceptance rates, Darroch asserts that between 98% and 99% of students and their parents are happy with the use of biometrics in schools, but also maintains that parental consultation and providing of alternatives is crucial. When given the choice, Darroch points towards the popularity of social networking sites among students when he acknowledges that many are willing to give out some personal data for a reward in turn.
Read the full story here.