Campus ID News
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Replacment card fees

Southern Miss students upset over perceived high cost of replacements ID cards

How to address concerns when a scratched mag renders an otherwise perfect card unusable

CampusIDNews Staff   ||   Mar 20, 2025  ||   ,

An article in Southern Mississippi University’s student paper, addressed concerns over the perceived high cost of replacement ID cards.

“A scratched magnetic stripe on a Southern Miss student ID can cost $20, limiting access to dorms or meals,” begins the SM2 piece. “For many students, this price is an unexpected burden.”

Campus card and auxiliary service professionals understand that replacement cards cost the institution money, and they often serve as an important source of revenue to fund the card program.

To the students, however, the fees can seem onerous.

Two-thirds of institutions charge between $15 and $50 for replacement cards with the average hovering around $20.

The article provides a glimpse into the student perspective, and it can help card office managers better position the fees in student facing interactions and materials.

How students view replacement card fees

Here are some key points students made against the fees:

  • The card appears fine, but apparently there is a simple scratch on the magnetic stripe. This is normal wear-and-tear and out of my control. Thus, I should not be responsible for it.
  • I need it to access my dorm, use declining balance dollars, and pay for food. If it is not working, the university should fix it. I have paid for all these services, and you decided that I need a card to access them.
  • If the card is lost or stolen, the replacement fee increases to $30. Why should that fee be higher than a damaged card fee if the end result – issuing a new card – is the same.
  • Southern Miss is adding its new logo to the card, but I still have to pay $20 for the updated card. I just want to show my school spirit.
  • It seems unfair that faculty and staff are not charged for replacing their ID cards, but I must pay the fee.

The author goes on to quote the Southern Miss website saying, student ID cards are permanent and must be reused throughout a student’s time at the university unless they purchase a new one.

But, the article says, students argue that the card is not strong enough to withstand normal use. “This (leaves) students questioning why the appearance is changing, but not the issue with the card’s durability.”

Southern Miss replacement card fees in line

While the $20 replacement card fee may seem excessive to the article’s author, it is not out of the norm when compared to other campuses.

Two-thirds of institutions charge between $15 and $50 for replacement cards with the average hovering around $20, according to the NACCU 2023 Campus Profile Summary Report.

The issue isn’t the fee. It is the student perception of the fee.

That puts the Southern Miss card program in line with its peer organizations.

The issue, however, isn’t the fee. It is the student perception of the fee.

The lesson is to keep this perception in mind and be prepared to explain it in a way that students will understand. Acknowledge their concerns but provide ideas to protect the card and explain its crucial role on campus.

Consider ways to more proactively share this message at different touchpoints such as orientation, issuance, photo upload, website, signage, and social media. It may help ease student frustration, whether it is outward as in the Southern Miss case, or pent up as is likely the case at most institutions.

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