Gonzaga University trials phone-based payments on campus and around town By Andy Williams, Contributing Editor College students can be ideal test subjects for new technology, particularly if it’s “cool.” While programs testing near field communication are cropping up worldwide, until...
It helps to have friends in high places, or at least those who have experience with the service you’re attempting to sell. That was one of the reasons Texas’ oldest county-owned two year institution, Blinn College in Brenham, chose Higher...
U.S. Bank customers in Colorado, Utah, Missouri, and California will now be issued debit cards with the Visa payWave contactless payment feature. Visa payWave technology enables customers to make a purchase by simply holding their card within two inches of...
Higher One has added two more colleges to its growing roster of schools that are using the financial services provider to distribute refunds to its students. Although Higher One works with more than 110 colleges and universities in the U.S.,...
Student ID cards today mean more than meal tickets or the ability to buy books on campus. They mean wireless hotdog carts. That’s just one of the examples highlighted by CreditCards.com in its report on the new breed of student...
Working closely with local merchants and students, Off-Campus Advantage and Millersville University in Pennsylvania have launched the school’s first off-campus payment program, Marauder Gold. Students even got to design signs to be placed in participating merchants’ establishments. “Opening the on-campus...
Issuing combined student IDs and bank cards on campus reduces the time it takes to get these multifunction cards into students’ hands, and it enables them to begin using the card the moment they exit the campus card office. But...
Towson University in Maryland has joined the higher education institutions expanding their use of student ID cards off-campus. More importantly, the declining balance account on the student’s OneCard will not expose its users to overdraft fees or credit card debt,...
CBORD subsidiary Off-Campus Advantage has added three more schools to its off-campus payment program that allows students to use their campus ID cards to utilize services of local merchants. Each of the schools were already using CBORD’s Odyssey PCS campus...
Purchase jumpstarts payment processor’s entry into the college and university market By Andy Williams, Contributing Editor The recently announced purchase of campus card supplier General Meters Corp. (GMC) by payments processors, Heartland Payment Systems, has likely delivered the resources the...
The only publication dedicated to the use of campus cards, mobile credentials, identity and security technology in the education market. CampusIDNews – formerly CR80News – has served more than 6,500 subscribers for more than two decades.
Attn: friends in the biometrics space. Nominations close Friday for the annual Women in Biometrics Awards. Take five minutes to recognize a colleague or even yourself. http://WomenInBiometrics.com
Feb. 1 webinar explores how mobile ordering enhanced campus life, increased sales at UVA and Central Washington @Grubhub @CBORD