Increases convenience for students and schedule flexibility for customer service staff
Community colleges serve nearly one-third of all undergraduates in the US, but ID and payment technology at two-year institutions has lagged traditional colleges and universities.
One of the key challenges facing community colleges is delivering a seamless digital experience to diverse student populations. To address this, institutions are adopting mobile platforms and integrated systems to enable students to access resources whenever and wherever they need them.
A recent article from TouchNet explores how community colleges are implementing innovative technologies to improve student services.
At Portland Community College a virtual one-stop shop consolidates multiple student services into one online location. This provides expanded self-service options and easier access to customer support.
The college tracks the type and volume of delivered services, using the data to inform staffing schedules to ensure that students receive the support they need.
In addition to enhancing student services, they are simplifying payment solutions to support student success.
Frederick Simmons, Student Account Services Manager at Portland Community College, discussed his work to improve customer service and student success in a recent podcast. It’s a model to which any card office or auxiliary service unit could aspire.
Portland Community College migrated the one-stop shop concept from a physical environment to a virtual realm.
Its Zoom Room concept brings together siloed services and creates a single point for student services and customer support. Students log in remotely to access various services, such as payment plans, tuition refunds, and account management all in one place. Students can access the services they need without having to physically visit the campus.
It enables staff to warm transfer students to other departments, reducing the need for students to repeat information and improving the overall experience.
The Zoom Room is available Monday through Thursday from 9am to 5pm, and on Fridays, staff are fully remote but still available through Zoom or chat. The flexibility of the Zoom Room has been well-received by students and staff alike, allowing for a more flexible schedule and improved work-life balance.
The online service customer support center also allows students to manage their accounts, access auxiliary services, and make payments online. This helps both Zoom Room users and those that choose to visit offices by reducing in-person wait times.
The college tracks the type and volume of delivered services, using the data to inform staffing schedules to ensure that students receive the support they need.
Simmons says the Zoom Room has been a game-changer for Portland Community College, providing a more streamlined and student-centered approach to student services.